Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Portrait of a Christian

by Beatrice Clelland

Not only in the words you say
Not only in your deeds confessed
But in the most unconscious way
Is Christ expressed.

For me 'twas not the truth you taught,
To you so clear, to me so dim,
But when you came to me,
You brought a sense of Him.

And from your eyes He beckons me
and from your heart His love is shed,
'Till I lose sight of you
And see the living Christ instead.


I added this poem to my blog because I find that, for me, expressing truth is so often more a struggle than a joy. This poem reminds me that the truth I have been created to express is not a set of doctrines but rather a person who is everlasting kindness.

Not only in the words you say
Not only in your deeds confessed
But in the most unconscious way
Is Christ expressed.

We express Christ, not only by our conscious words and deeds, but mostly just by who we are. Our spontaneous acts of kindness, reflecting the kindness of our God, speak louder than our attempts to persuade.

For me 'twas not the truth you taught,
To you so clear, to me so dim,
But when you came to me,
You brought a sense of Him.

As someone who feels called to be a teacher, this verse just devastates me. So often I have tried to teach people about what God has expressed to me and I go away feeling that I have been merely arguing and debating. This verse reminds me that the manner in which I teach should always convey a sense of His gentle tenderness.

And from your eyes He beckons me
and from your heart His love is shed,
'Till I lose sight of you
And see the living Christ instead.

We are Christ's body. We are His chosen vessel to let the world see who He is...what He is like. Who we are is much more important than what we teach.

This poem has such a simple beauty that I feel like I've debased it by adding my comments. But it's my blog so what can I say.

I wish this poem could be inscribed on everyone's forehead so that we would keep it always in mind as we communicate with one another.

2 Timothy 2:24-26

The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.